In the past, I have found restoration and repurposing projects, and numerous gorgeous things for my home as well as unique gifts for special people, or can be with a little help. This week was no exception: among the racks of outdated small electrics, I got a little peek at the most perfect shade of 50s mint green. Upon further inspection, this delicious color was attached to a General Electric hand mixer which looked just like this one:

Image Source: © Gwen's Flickr Photostream and issued under Flickr Creative Commons
.....well, mine has a gray bottom instead of white. (No, this lovely photo is not mine. Why, you ask? Well, my camera died. And now my backup camera, my phone, has recently died, so I had no way to take a photo of my own.) /explanation.
I gravitated to it instantly. Even though it was covered with quite a bit of grime, I could see that it was clearly a diamond in the rough. Perfect 50s mint green, with what was probably once shiny gold details. It had metal detailing on the front and back which reminded me of the grill of a 1950s Thunderbird:
Image Source: © The 1957 Retro Store
I held it in my hands, and the weight and shape of it just felt "right." Unlike many recent model hand mixers, this one is not as lightweight. It's not heavy by any means, but it is quite sturdy and durable and had definitely stood the test of time, as I had the cashier plug it in for me just to make sure it still worked on all speeds. It did, and I just HAD to have it! (With budget and space limits, I refuse to buy anything that I will not use, so if this didn't work, I'd have had to leave it behind.)
So I bought myself a vintage hand mixer. I took it home and scrubbed the filth off. It looks loved now, instead of simply put to good use. This is such a recent purchase that I haven't even had the opportunity to use it myself just yet, but now I can't wait to and I'm even looking for other attachments to go on it.
Best part? I bought it for $3.20.
What is YOUR most recent "happy" purchase?
{This entry is part of Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop. For more from the workshop, head over here.}

This is great. I wish I could see the potential and treasure in finds like these. I bet that beater will be a total work horse. When not in use, will it be visible in your kitchen so that you get aesthetic value out of it as well?
ReplyDeleteMy most recent happy purchase definitely has to be my Smitten Kitchen cookbook, as I wrote about. Feels like the latest issue of Teen Beat with Michael J Fox, a little pathetic for this 30 something woman!
I do remember reading about your Smitten Kitchen cookbook! I wasn't familiar with it, but then again - I don't cook all that much. I am hoping I'll be into it one of these days like all the other good housewives and mommies, but right now I'm doing good just to heat up the healthiest pre-cooked food I can buy :)
DeleteThe mixer does have a place for it to be hung up, so I plan on working its design into my kitchen for sure!
Thanks for coming by!
The only thing I love more than retro finds and CHEAP retro finds. So cute! I've been shopping for sweater vests (my husband has this weird thing for those little sleeveless suckers).
ReplyDeleteHey, when I get to my goal weight, I am definitely going to shop for and wear vintage clothing! (I don't feel comfortable in anything I've found thus far) I will already have lots of handbags to go with my retro wardrobe :)
DeleteThanks for coming by!
I'm a little jealous. No. Wait. I am more than a little jealous. I am 50s green with envy!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteYou should check out your local thrift and antique stores, as well as eBay and Etsy....I saw quite a few when I was searching for photos to go with this post, and they weren't all that expensive, either :)
Thank you for coming by!
I love strolling through our local antiques store! my big thing is looking at vinyl records - old 45's, etc. Love it. I am on the hunt for an actual turntable so I can start collecting. Imagine that in this world of iTunes and iPod's!
ReplyDeletemy most recent purchase was a pink Depression era crystal glass platter for my mom. she collects those items. It's a pretty large platter so it was over $20.00 - but it's gorgeous. And I found some old comics for my son. I got 5 for $8.00 -- STEAL!!
That WAS a steal! I love browsing antique stores and flea markets as dining room table was (and hopefully still is) at a local antique store. But seeing as it's in perfect condition, it's pricy. Worth it to me, though! Unfortunately, other priorities keep popping up to take my money before I can get it.
DeleteI think my own mom has a few pink depression-era glass pieces herself. That's pretty stuff!
I love all those places - thrift stores, junk stores, antique stores, yard sales, and flea markets. But I'm usually too late of a riser to get to yard sales. Fleas are hit or miss, and I just don't get the same thrill from an antique store as I do from finding a cheap bargain at a thrift store.
I still have some of my vinyl records - I grew up in the 80s when cassettes were all the rage, but I always bought vinyl because I wanted the artwork. I don't know if you want a vintage turntable or maybe a vintage-inspired one, but I always see old console stereos at thrift stores, and the Victrola types at antique stores. But Target has a line of retro-inspired ones by Crosley - they look 40s/50s and have the turntable, but they also play cassettes, cds, and mp3s :)
And where are my manners? Thank you for coming to visit again!
DeleteYes, I saw those ones that look antique, but also play cassettes and cd's. Would love that! I think the one I saw just under $ a little out of the budget right now. ha
Deletebut I'd probably prefer an actual vintage one. just seems to go with the vinyl, right? And yes, the album artwork! that was one of the best things about albums. lost art form.
That price sounds about right. I would love to have one myself, but it's out of my budget as well.
DeleteOh... you are so after my own heart kind of girl. I'm a thrift store, antique shopper myself. I'm always looking for a treasure, too. Vintage dishes are my passion!
ReplyDeleteOne day, I wandered into our State Surplus warehouse. When I opened the door, I saw in the middle of the large, expansive room, a vintage chandelier sitting on a table. It yelled out to me, of course. I couldn't get there fast enough. So, so beautiful! My heart was beating hard and fast. Hurry! I said. A worker carried it out to the car for me and told me the history behind it. It had actually come from the Carriage House behind the Governor's Mansion. I was elated!I have a piece of state history in my beautiful library (in fact, I designed my whole room around that beautiful chandelier). And to top it off... I purchased it for $25.00. Wooohooo!
I totally get that racing-heart feeling! It's why whenever I'm shopping, if I even *think* I will want something, I pick it up and put it in my cart or have the salesperson hold it. I've had too many things I wanted go to someone else because I thought it was okay to leave it until I was done browsing.
DeleteThat is so amazing that you have a piece of your state's history in your library! I am so jealous! I'll have to swing by your place to see your pictures.
Now that I am more of a seasoned collector, I am thinking about downsizing and letting go of some of my vintage dishes. Not a lot, just some. I have decided on a few patterns that I really, really like, and have decided I don't like some as much once I got them home. But honestly, space may be more of an issue someday, so that will play a part as well.
Thanks so much for coming by!
I ALWAYS love it when you post your thrift store finds. Always great!
ReplyDeleteThanks! We should definitely go thrifting together sometime....or antique-ing! I've been to an antique store outside of town, but never any of those on the south end of the Parkway. What do you say? I know time is scarce this time of year, but things will eventually settle back down.
DeleteThanks for coming by!
I would love to do that sometime! Definitely. Also, about the blog being down the other day. I was migrating or importing all the content from Carol Marks Online over to Carol Ann Marks. So hopefully that was all that was. And I moved Carol Ann Marks off of blogspot and over to my regular hosting person and installed WP.
DeleteOh, good....I was worried it was "me." I will get in touch w/you to plan an outing; we can see if our schedules ever connect on our free time!