We're only a few days away from the official start of summer, so today's Monday's Music Moves Me!" theme is summer songs. And guess what? I'm a spotlight dancer this week! Yay!

First things first....the rules:
1. You Tube, and lock & load!
2. Grab "Monday's Music Moves Me" Button.
3. SIGN LINKY, Follow us, & Rockin' comment are good!
Finally,Boogie down to your Fellow Rockin' Bloggers. Also, bring some back with you to join us!
There are probably hundreds of songs which remind me of summer, so I'll obviously have to narrow it down.
Magic- The Cars
In the beginning of my hair metal-loving days, this was one of the few pop songs I truly adored. The Cars were always so different and their videos so innovative, so they're still a favorite to this day.
Blues Traveler - Hook
I'm honestly not even sure when this was released (Run Around was probably the song which came out the summer this album was released), but this song is just so catchy and fun and I did see it performed at a summer festival once, so that's why it'll forever be a "summer" song for me.
Mungo Jerry - In The Summertime
I've loved this song since I was a small girl. Definitely THE summer song!
.....but I bet most of you didn't know Derek Sherinian, Billy Idol and SLASH! did a cover of this as well....
Type O Negative - Summer Breeze (with "Set Me On Fire")
And now, the most missed artist on my list. Sadly, Peter Steele is no longer with us. But Type O's always done some really neat covers, and their cover of Seals & Crofts' "Summer Breeze" is one of them.
And there ya have it! Be sure to head over to XMas Dolly's to visit all your co-conductors, other spotlight dancers and participants, and play along yourself!
I'm hoping against hope my comments don't go missing like they did from my last 4M post! I am still getting around to trying to respond to those, so thank you to those of you who have been helping me with that.
Have a great Music Monday!
Note: be sure to check back soon; I've come up with so many more summer songs that I plan on making a master playlist. I haven't decided whether I'll do that in a 4Ms Free post, over at The Music Mamas, or just in a play-optional sidebar widget. But I'll definitely at least announce it here on the blog.

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